The time is out of joint

Let us go in together,
And still your fingers on your lips, I pray.
The time is out of joint—O cursèd spite,
That ever I was born to set it right!
Nay, come, let's go together.

"Temporal Changes in the Landscape:"Video/Photography Installation (Printed on Film 34"x42" Backlit Film)

"Temporal Changes in the Landscape:" Museum of Walking (MoW), Solo Exhibition Curated by Angela Ellsworth (March-April 2016), Studio 34 Butler College, Princeton University, NJ, (Feb-March 2016). Emergent Ecologies Kilroy, New Space Gallery. Brooklyn, NY, (March-April 2016) (March-April 2016) Curated by Eben Kirksey.

BAIR Extended Visual and Digital Arts, Artist in Residence Banff Centre, 2016. Movie interior theater, Monitor with Video 13 in x 10 in.

The visitor or astronaut video is seen through a series of overlapping images in motion which symbolizes a passage of time. Like Derrida’s quote: "Here again what seems to be out front, the future, comes back in advance: from the past, from the back." The movement in the in the video represents how the Visitor experiences different modalities of time and space, the world moving in modulations – the landscape is a sliding movement of planes that are fractured and layered, alongside another plane that is static. The overlapping produces surfaces that slide across one another instead of inhering the body in a permanent space. 

“In order for there to be any sense in asking oneself about the terrible price to pay, in order to watch over the future, everything would have to be begun again. But in memory, this time, of that impure “impure impure history of ghosts." Jacques Derrida 1994



Dwelling Installation Art

