Touching Dead Animals 2. Memories of a Naturalist ( RAM Alberta, Canada and American Museum of National History, NYC)
Inside/Outside 4. Taxonomia (University of Alberta and Natural History Museum, Paris, France)
Below: “Between Species,” Urban Video Project, Projection - Multimedia Arts Initiative with Syracuse University, Everson Museum of Art I.M. Pei, Syracuse, New York (March, 2016
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Editors’ Forum Theorizing the Contemporary
From the Series: Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen. By Maria Whiteman
June 28, 2017
Visitors to our national parks arrive burdened with a desire that is unnerving despite (or perhaps, because of how common) it has become. This is the desire to encounter the bodies of wild animals. For most, it is enough to catch a glimpse of an animal moving through the forest or escaping into the underbrush. For others, the pull of animal bodies is so powerful that they want contact: closer, closer still, moving forward in hope, fear, anticipation, and expectation.

Exhibition at FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta 2009
Banff Centre for The Arts, Banff Alberta Canada
Tittle: "Touching" Video and Photography Installation (Prints on Backlit Film 32"x46")
Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton AB, 2011 Two Channel Video Installation ( 2-5 min loop) with (Large Scale Photographs printed on Backlit Film and support by Crystal Panels, Wood Box frames) Exhibiting 2011-2016: Between Species, Urban Video Project, Multi Media Arts Initiative, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY (March 2016). Pavement Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (2013), Foster Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire (Oct-Nov 2013). Zoller Gallery, University of Pennsylvania State College (April-May 2013), Touching Grizzly Bears, Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta Biennial Curated by Nancy Tousley. Latitude 53, Edmonton, AB (March 2012), " Sincerely Yours" "Propeller Gallery, Toronto, ON. "DayDreamer" Toronto Urban Film Festival (TUFF), Chief Juror Jennifer Baichwal, Toronto, ON (2012).
Installation, Projection, Photography - Inside / Outside Human and Animal

Exhibition Latitude 53 Gallery, 2011, Edmonton, Alberta
The Eternal Image of the Animal: Maria Whiteman, Taxonomia